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Dictionary English Danish: [G]

Translation 1 - 54 of 54

English Danish
detached {adj} [e.g. house, building]fritstående [fx hus]
even {adv} [e.g. even cheaper than]endnu [fx endnu billigere end]
floating {adj} [e.g. in air]svævende
for {prep} [e.g. to fish for cod]efter [fx at fiske efter torsk]
Unverified for {prep} [e.g. to work for a company]hos, ved, for
given {adj} [attr.] [e.g. specified or stated]given
off {prep} [e.g. off the coast]ud for [ofte udfor] [fx: ud for kysten]
oily {adj} [e.g. skin]fedtet
partly {conj} [e.g. partly ... and partly ... ]dels [t.ex. dels ... og dels ... ]
social {adj} [e.g. gathering]selskabelig
winding {adj} [e.g. winding streets]kroget [fx krogede gader]
to hold [e.g. a meeting, an election]
at afholde
to conclude sth. [e.g. an agreement]at indgå ngt.
to crash [e.g. aircraft]at styrte (ned) [fx flyvemaskine]
to fix [e.g. a price, rate]at fastsætte
hest. to groom [e.g. a horse]at strigle
to migrate [e.g. birds]at trække [fx fugle]
to possess sb. [e.g. demon, evil spirit]at besætte ngn. [fx dæmon, ond ånd]
to prepare [e.g. food]at tilberede
to recharge [e.g. a battery]at genoplade [fx et batteri]
to relieve [e.g. pain]at lindre
to rise [e.g. sun]at stå op [fx sol]
to stir [e.g. food]at røre [fx mad]
to water [e.g. plants, livestock]at vande
to wear [e.g. clothes, jewellery]at bære [fx beklædning, smykker]
agent [e.g. chemical agent]agens {fk}
anniversary [e.g. 25th, 50th, 75th, 100th]jubilæum {n} [fx 25, 50, 75, 100 års]
beer [e.g. a bottle of]øl {fk} [om flaske e.l. med øl]
bot. bulb [e.g. flower bulb]løg {n} [fx blomsterløg]
cab [e.g. driver's cab]kabine {fk} [fx førerkabine]
circulation [e.g. of banknotes, coins]omløb {n}
cover [e.g. for cushions, furniture]betræk {n}
cushion [e.g. seat cushion]hynde {fk} [fx sædehynde]
sport diving [e.g. from a diving board]udspring {n}
gastr. doughnut [e.g. jam doughnut]berliner {fk} [berlinerpfannkuchen]
fittings [e.g. light fittings]armaturer {pl} [fx lysarmaturer]
mill [e.g. windmill]mølle {fk} [fx vindmølle]
geogr. mouth [e.g. of a river]munding {fk}
occupation [e.g. of a country]besættelse {fk}
plant [e.g. machinery]anlæg {n}
biol. reproduction [e.g. sexual]reproduktion {fk}
slide [e.g. in a playground]rutsjebane {fk} [fx i en legeplads]
staple [e.g. for fencing wire]krampe {fk}
gastr. stock [broth e.g. for soup]fond {fk} [koncentreret bouillon]
tour [e.g. concert tour]turné {fk}
withdrawal [e.g. of troops]tilbagetrækning {fk}
2 Words: Others
the then {adj} [e.g. the then president](den / det / de) daværende [fx den daværende præsident]
very busy {adj} [e.g. road]stærkt trafikeret [fx vej]
well-kept {adj} [attr.] [e.g. secret]velbevaret [fx hemmelighed]
2 Words: Verbs
to aim sth. at sb./sth. [e.g. a gun, a torch]at rette ngt. mod ngn./ngt.
to drop sb. off [e.g. from a vehicle]at sætte ngn. af
to hang out [coll.] [e.g. with friends]at være sammen [uform.] [fx med venner]
2 Words: Nouns
fys. Unverified excited state [e.g. atom, electron]anslået tilstand {fk}
gastr. ice cream [e.g. in a cone]softice {fk}
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