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Engelsk-dansk ordbog

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Dictionary English Danish: [OR 1]

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toddlersmåbarn {n} [ca. 1-3 år]
ground floor <GF>stue {fk} <st.> [stueetage] [fork. i adresser, fx Ågade 1, st. tv. / st. t.v.]
aphrodisiac [food or drug]afrodisiakum {n}
fornication [formal or hum.]ægteskabsbrud {n}
term [word or phrase]begreb {n}
quote [from text or speech]citat {n}
unjustified {adj} [not demonstrably correct or judicious]uberettiget
fys. luftf. aerodynamics [treated as {sg} or {pl}]aerodynamik {fk}
zool. T
edderkop {fk}
disease [esp.: widespread or contagious]syge {fk}
med. geriatrics [treated as sg. or pl.]geriatri {fk}
jur. pol. attorney general [or: Attorney General]justitsminister {fk}
zip code [or: ZIP code] [Am.]postnummer {n}
arki. hall [large public room or building]hal {fk}
hell [or: Hell (in the religious sense)]helvede {n}
skin [of a fruit or vegetable]skræl {fk}
anat. klæd. sole [of a foot or shoe]sål {fk}
hest. sport equine sports [treated as sg. or pl.]hestesport {fk}
centre [Br.] [of a town or city]bymidte {fk}
sport aerobics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]aerobic {fk} [mest uden artikel]
to find oneself [in a situation or place]at befinde sig
gastr. coconut [flesh, or desiccated coconut]kokos {fk} [frøhvide fra kokosnødden, eller kokosmel]
to catch one's breath [idiom] [after laughing, talking, or crying]at hikse
hest. nag [coll.] [pej.] [a horse, esp. one that is old or in poor health]øg {n} [nedsætt.]
given {adj} [attr.] [e.g. specified or stated]given
biol. zool. fauna [treated as sg. or pl.]fauna {fk}
job uddann. gymnasium teacher [teacher at an academic high school or Br. grammar school]gymnasielærer {fk}
bastard [pej.] [offensive or disagreeable person]svin {n} [nedsætt.] [person der opfører sig gement og hensynsløst]
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