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Dictionary English Danish: [Sg]

Translation 1 - 57 of 57


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small {adj}små {pl} [sg.: lille]
sport aerobics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]aerobic {fk} [mest uden artikel]
fys. luftf. aerodynamics [treated as {sg} or {pl}]aerodynamik {fk}
aesthetics {pl} [usually treated as {sg}]æstetik {fk}
astronau vid. astronautics [treated as {sg}]astronautik {fk}
astron. fys. vid. astrophysics [treated as sg.]astrofysik {fk}
med. backache {sg}rygsmerter {pl}
mil. barracks [often treated as {sg}]kaserne {fk}
forlags. vid. bibliometrics [treated as sg.]bibliometri {fk}
biol. vid. biometrics {pl} [treated as sg.]biometri {fk}
biol. fys. vid. biophysics [treated as sg.]biofysik {fk}
biol. stat. vid. biostatistics [treated as sg.]biostatistik {fk}
cash {sg}penge {pl}
ønol. champers {sg} [Br.] [coll.] [champagne]champus {fk} [uform.] [champagne]
med. chickenpox {sg}skoldkopper {pl}
biol. cladistics [treated as sg.]kladistik {fk}
cost {sg}omkostninger {pl}
transp. crossroads {sg}vejkryds {n}
tek. vid. Unverified cybernetics [treated as sg.]kybernetik {fk}
data {sg}data {n} {pl}
esthetics {pl} [Am.] [usually treated as {sg}]æstetik {fk}
biol. zool. fauna [treated as sg. or pl.]fauna {fk}
fortnight {sg}fjorten dage {pl}
fortnight {sg}to uger {pl}
furniture {sg}møbler {pl}
fys. geol. vid. geophysics {pl} [treated as {sg}]geofysik {fk}
med. geriatrics [treated as sg. or pl.]geriatri {fk}
kunst graphics {pl} [usually treated as {sg}]grafik {fk}
sport gymnastics {pl} [also treated as {sg}]gymnastik {fk}
headquarters {sg} <HQ>hovedkvarter {n}
honeymoon {sg}hvedebrødsdage {pl}
hydraulics {pl} [usually treated as {sg}]hydraulik {fk}
jewellery {sg} [Br.]smykker {pl}
jewelry {sg} [Am.]smykker {pl}
logistics {pl} [also treated as {sg}]logistik {fk}
means {sg}middel {n}
fys. vid. mechanics [treated as sg.]mekanik {fk}
med. obstetrics {pl} [usually treated as {sg}]obstetrik {fk}
med. psych. vid. psychophysics [treated as sg.]psykofysik {fk}
pyrotechnics [treated as sg.] [science]pyroteknik {fk}
ransom {sg}løsepenge {pl}
semantics [generally treated as sg.]semantik {fk}
biol. species {sg}art {fk}
vid. statistics {pl} [treated as {sg}]statistik {fk} [uden pluralis]
ind. steelworks {sg}stålværk {n}
2 Words: Nouns
fys. nukl. vid. atomic physics [treated as sg.]atomfysik {fk}
med. back pain {sg}rygsmerter {pl}
hest. sport equine sports [treated as sg. or pl.]hestesport {fk}
fishing gear {sg}fiskeredskaber {pl}
møbler garden furniture {sg}havemøbler {pl}
income support {sg} [Br.] [Can.]supplerende dagpenge {pl}
pocket money {sg}lommepenge {pl}
small change {sg}småpenge {pl}
supplementary benefit {sg} [Br.] [replaced by income support]supplerende dagpenge {pl}
3 Words: Nouns
means {sg} of transporttransportmiddel {n}
fys. vid. solid-state physics [treated as sg.]faststoffysik {fk}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
orn. T
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