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Engelsk-dansk ordbog

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Dictionary English Danish: [etc]

Translation 1 - 39 of 39


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glistening {adj} {pres-p}strålende [ædelstene etc.]
mellifluous {adj} [voice etc.]velklingende [stemme e.l.]
mellifluous {adj} [voice etc.]vellydende [stemme e.l.]
untreated {adj} [water, sewage etc.]urenset
to light [fire, candle, cigarette etc.]
at tænde
to board [bus, aircraft etc.]at stige
to detonateat sprænge [bombe etc]
to flash [light, LED etc.]at blinke
to lift [ban, embargo etc.]at ophæve
to smoke [meat, fish etc.]at røge
to spend [time etc.]at tilbringe
to take [medicine, drugs, food etc.]at indtage
bite [by an insect, animal etc.]bid {n}
box [jewellery box, on newspaper page etc.]boks {fk}
box [matchbox, of crackers etc.]æske {fk}
relig. canon [member of a cathedral chapter, etc.]kannik {fk}
collection [range of new clothes etc.]kollektion {fk}
gastr. filling [for sandwiches etc.]pålæg {n}
hood [Br.] [on a pram, convertible etc.]kaleche {fk}
jar [for jam etc.]glas {n}
transp. loading [of goods etc.]pålæsning {fk}
match [for lighting fires, candles etc.]tændstik {fk}
passage [of text, music etc.]uddrag {n}
zool. prey [animal etc.]byttedyr {n}
mus. reed [elastic tongue of cane etc.]rørblad {n}
reflection [in a mirror, water etc.]spejlbillede {n}
release [of a book, film etc.]udgivelse {fk}
reverse [of a coin, medal etc.]bagside {fk}
stakeindsats {fk} [væddemål etc.]
timetable [for trains, buses etc.]køreplan {fk}
treatment [of water, sewage etc.]rensning {fk} [af spildevand]
2 Words: Verbs
Unverified to abound in sth. [mistakes, irregularities, etc.]at vrimle med ngt. [med fejl, uregelmæssigheder etc.]
to get off [bus, train etc.]at stå af
to pelt down [rain, snow etc.]at vælte ned
to turn on [television, tap etc.]at tænde for
2 Words: Nouns
place setting [one person's cutlery etc. at a table]kuvert {fk}
sport throw-in [football etc.]indkast {n}
3 Words: Others
stay-at-home {adj} [mothers etc.]hjemmegående
3 Words: Verbs
to bury oneself in sth. [books, work, grief etc.]at begrave sig i ngt. [fig.] [at fordybe sig]
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