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Dictionary English Danish: [of]

Translation 1 - 50 of 88  >>

English Danish
any {pron} [of]enhver [af]
before {prep} [in front of]foran
brief {adj} [of short duration]kortvarig
meteo. clear {adj} [sky free of cloud]skyfri
east {adv} <E> [of]øst <E, Ø> [for]
herself {pron} [if the person of "herself" is the person of an object]sig selv
jealous {adj} [of]misundelig [på]
north {adv} <N> [of]nord <N> [for]
northeast {adv} <NE> [of]nordøst <NE, NØ> [for]
northwest {adv} <NW> [of]nordvest <NV, NW> [for]
out {prep} [non-standard: out of]ud af
quarter {adj} [of a/an] [attrib.]kvart
shallow {adj} [body of water]lavvandet
south {adv} <S> [of]syd <S> [for]
southeast {adv} <SE> [of]sydøst <SE, SØ> [for]
southwest {adv} <SW> [of]sydvest <SV, SW> [for]
west {adv} <W> [of]vest <V, W> [for]
to sing [of birds]at fløjte
way [of doing sth.]
måde {fk}
bogh. balance [of an account]saldo {fk}
våben barrel [of a gun]løb {n} [på et skydevåben]
beer [e.g. a bottle of]øl {fk} [om flaske e.l. med øl]
bill [statement of money owed]regning {fk}
bite [of food]bid {fk}
automob. boot [Br.] [of a car]bagagerum {n}
box [matchbox, of crackers etc.]æske {fk}
relig. canon [member of a cathedral chapter, etc.]kannik {fk}
arki. hist. castle [fortified, esp. of the medieval period]borg {fk}
odont. cavity [decayed part of a tooth]hul {n} [i tand]
centre [Br.] [of a town or city]bymidte {fk}
check [Am.] [means of payment]check {fk}
circulation [e.g. of banknotes, coins]omløb {n}
gastr. clove [of garlic]fed {n} [hvidløg]
collection [range of new clothes etc.]kollektion {fk}
dedication [of a book; commitment]dedikation {fk}
departure <dep.> [of vehicle]afgang {fk} <afg.>
drop [of liquid]dråbe {fk}
establishment [act of establishing sth.]oprettelse {fk}
med. expiration [of breath]eksspiration {fk} [sjældent]
transp. fleet [of vehicles]vognpark {fk}
astron. esot. Gemini <♊> [constellation; sign of the zodiac]Tvillingerne {pl} [best. f.] <♊> [stjernetegn; stjernebillede]
ground [surface of the earth]jord {fk} [jordoverflade]
hangover [aftereffects of drunkenness]tømmermænd {pl}
geogr. Holstein [southern part of Schleswig-Holstein]Holsten {n}
insertion [of coins]indkast {n}
installation [piece of equipment]anlæg {n}
legend [list of symbols on a map]signaturforklaring {fk} [på landkort]
letter [of the alphabet]bogstav {n}
transp. loading [of goods etc.]pålæsning {fk}
meteo. low [area of low barometric pressure]lavtryk {n}
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