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Engelsk-dansk ordbog

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Dictionary English Danish: sth

Translation 1 - 50 of 113  >>

English Danish
NOUN   a farewell to sb./sth. | farewells to sb./sth.
SYNO   STH | growth hormone ... 
something {pron} <sth.>
sb./sth. camengn./ngt. kom
sb./sth. canngn./ngt. kan
sb./sth. hadngn./ngt. havde
sb./sth. is[nogen/noget] er
sb./sth. wasngn./ngt. var
sth. ceasesngt. hører op
to change sth.
at skifte ngt.
to know sth.
at vide ngt.
to accept sth.at tage imod ngt. [at acceptere]
mate. to add sth.at addere ngt.
kosm. relig. to anoint sb./sth.at salve ngn./ngt.
to appreciate sth.at goutere ngt.
sport Unverified to break (sth.) [win a tennis game in which the opponent is serving]at bryde (ngt.) [i tennis vinde modstanderens serveparti]
to bury sb./sth.at begrave ngn./ngt.
to commemorate sb./sth.at mindes ngn./ngt. [fejre mindet om]
to commemorate sth.at fejre mindet om ngt.
to complete sth. [add what is missing]at fuldstændiggøre ngt.
to conclude sth. [e.g. an agreement]at indgå ngt.
to consider sth.at overveje ngt.
to dare sth.at turde ngt.
to dare sth.at vove ngt.
to diminish sth.at formindske ngt.
to dislike sb./sth.ikke at kunne lide ngn./ngt.
to dispense sth.at dosere ngt.
Unverified to douse sth. [a candle, a light, a fire]at slukke ngt. [dagl.] [et levende lys, en brændende tændstik, en brand]
to find sth. [search for]at opsøge ngt.
to frequent sth.at opsøge ngt. [et bestemt sted e.l.]
to gauge sth. [measure]at afmåle ngt.
to globalise sth. [Br.]at globalisere ngt.
to globalize sth.at globalisere ngt.
to ignore sb./sth.at ignorere ngn./ngt.
Unverified to list sth.at liste ngt. [opstille  en liste]
to man sth. [to supply with people]at bemande ngt.
to mount sth. [bicycle, horse]at stige op ngt. [cykel, hest]
to number sth.at nummerere ngt.
to outmaneuver sb./sth. [Am.]at udmanøvrere ngn./ngt.
to outmanoeuvre sb./sth. [Br.]at udmanøvrere ngn./ngt.
to overstrain sb./sth.at overanstrenge ngn./ngt.
to possess sth.at have ngt. i sin besiddelse
to pour sth.at hælde ngt.
to press sth.at trykke ngt. [fx knap]
to prevent sth.at hindre ngt.
to reduce sth.at formindske ngt.
to remember sb./sth.at huske ngn./ngt.
to retain sth.at bevare ngt.
Unverified to retell sth.at genfortælle ngt.
litt. to rhyme (sth.)at rime (ngt.)
to scorn sb./sth. [disdain, despise]at foragte ngn./ngt.
Unverified to sink sth.at sænke ngt.
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