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BETA English-Danish translation for: to be in the lead
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Dictionary English Danish: to be in the lead

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spil sport Unverified to be in the leadat ligge forrest [idræt]
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to be in love withat være forelsket i
in the {prep}i [+ best.f.]
in the middle {adv}midtpå
in (the) winter {adv}om vinteren
in the future {adv}i fremtiden
in the dark {adv}i mørket
in the sky {adv} himmelen
in the sky {adv} himlen
in the evening {adv}om aftenen
in the afternoon {adv}om eftermiddagen
in the past {adv}i fortiden
in the meantime {adv}i mellemtiden
in the morning {adv}om morgenen
Unverified to be in abeyance [temporarily disused]at være stillet i bero
to be in love with sb.at være forelsket i ngn.
in the distance {adv}i det fjerne
in the limelight {adv} [idiom]i rampelyset [talemåde]
in the course of ...i løbet af ...
in the wake of ...i kølvandet ...
in the short term {adv} kort sigt
in the public interest {adv}i offentlighedens interesse
zool. living in the wild {adj} [postpos.]vildtlevende [ubøj.]
in the long term {adv} lang / langt sigt
in the long run {adv}i det lange løb
in time to the music {adv}i takt til musikken
talem. a thorn in the sideen torn i øjet
(in) the last few days {adv}(i) de seneste dage
Unverified to climb in through the windowat kravle ind ad vinduet
sport talem. to throw in the towelat kaste / smide håndklædet i ringen
to leadat lede
lead-free {adj}blyfri
litt. F The Catcher in the Rye [J. D. Salinger]Forbandede Ungdom [1953]
med. lead poisoningblyforgiftning {fk}
by every trick in the book {adv} [idiom]efter alle kunstens regler [talemåde]
in all (the) colours of the rainbow [Br.]i alle regnbuens farver
in all (the) colors of the rainbow [Am.]i alle regnbuens farver
in the dead of night {adv} [idiom]i nattens mulm og mørke [talemåde]
litt. F The Catcher in the Rye [J. D. Salinger]Griberen i rugen [2004]
elekt. lead [Br.] [power lead]ledning {fk}
to lead to sth.at føre til ngt.
to lead a Spartan lifeat leve spartansk
to lead a spartan lifeat leve spartansk
ordsp. All roads lead to Rome.Alle veje fører til Rom.
ordsp. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.Én fugl i hånden er bedre end ti taget.
talem. Unverified sth. goes in (at) one ear and out (at) the otherngt. går ind ad det ene øre og ud ad / af det andet
datalogi USB lead [Br.]USB-kabel {n}
kemi lead <Pb>bly {n} <Pb>
ordsp. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him / it drink.Man kan tvinge hesten til truget, men man kan ikke tvinge den til at drikke.
to step inat komme in
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