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BETA English-Danish translation for: washing up
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Dictionary English Danish: washing up

Translation 1 - 58 of 58

NOUN   (the) washing-up | -
washing-up [Br.]opvask {fk}
Keywords contained
washing-up liquid [Br.]opvaskemiddel {n}
Partial Matches
washing [laundry]vasketøj {n}
washing basketvasketøjskurv {fk}
washing machinevaskemaskine {fk}
washing powder [Br.]vaskepulver {n}
up {adv}op
up {adv}opad
full (up) {adj}mæt
grown-up {adj}voksen
Unverified Hold up!Vent!
rolled-up {adj}sammenrullet
up river {adv}opstrøms
to get upat stå op
to give upat give op
to give upat opgive
to hurry upat skynde sig
to pick upat samle op
to queue (up)at stå i
to set upat oprette
to speed upat sætte farten op
to tear upat rive itu
to tear upat sønderrive
to tidy upat rydde op
to use upat opbruge
to wake upat vågne (op)
follow-upopfølgning {fk}
grown-upvoksen {fk}
geared up {past-p} [prepared]forberedt
mate. to add up sth.at addere ngt.
to crack up [coll.]at agurk
to fill up [refuel]at tanke (op)
Unverified to fuck up [vulg.]at forkludre
Unverified to fuck up [vulg.]at klokke i det
Unverified to fuck up [vulg.]at kludre i det
Unverified to fuck up [vulg.]at nosse i det [vulg.]
to pick up [hitchhikers]at tage med
to wake sb. upat vække ngn.
up the hill {adv}op ad bakken
Unverified up the roadhen ad vejen
up the stairs {adv}op ad trappen
up to date {adj}ajour
to blow up [with explosives]at sprænge [med sprængstof]
Unverified to fuck sth. up [vulg.]at fucke ngt. op [vulg.] [uform.]
to make up [compose, constitute]at udgøre
to tie sb./sth. upat binde ngn./ngt.
to sign up for sth.at melde sig til ngt.
to do up a tieat binde (et) slips
to go up the stairsat op ad trappen
close up [at close range] nært hold
Hurry (up)! [said to one person]Skynd dig!
What's up? [Am.] [coll.]Hvordan går det?
What's up? [Am.] [coll.]Hvordan har du det?
to look up [improve, get better]at lysne
to split up (with sb.) [coll.]at fra hinanden
film F Bringing Up Baby [Howard Hawks]Han, hun og leoparden
Hurry (up)! [said to more than one person]Skynd jer!
I'll catch (up with) you later! [coll.]Vi ses (senere)!
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