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Dictionary English Danish: you

Translation 1 - 56 of 56

English Danish
PRON1  you | you | your [adj]/yours [pron]
PRON2  thou | thee | thy [adj]/thine [pron]
you {pl} {pron} [informal]
you {pron} [plural direct and indirect object] [informal]jer
you {pron} [singular and plural subject and direct object] [formal]De
2 Words: Others
Bless you! [after sneezing]Prosit! [efter nyset]
Could you ...?Gider du ...?
talem. Unverified Lucky you!Dit heldige asen!
See you!Farvel!
See you!Vi ses!
See you.Farvel længe.
Thank you!Tak!
Thank you!Tak skal du ha'!
Thank you!Tak skal du have!
3 Words: Others
Are you afraid?Er du bange?
Are you crazy?Er du rigtig klog?
Are you kidding?Det er da løgn?
Do you have ... ?Har De ... ? [høfligt eller formelt]
Do you have ... ?Har du ... ?
Here you are.Værsgo.
Here you go!Værsgo!
How are you?Hvordan går det?
How are you?Hvordan har du det?
I love you.Jeg elsker dig.
See you soon! {.}Vi ses!
Serves you right!Det har du rigtig godt af!
Unverified Wishing you well!Al held og lykke!
You are welcome!Selv tak!
You are welcome!Det var lidt!
You are welcome!Det var lidt.
3 Words: Nouns
thank-you lettertakkebrev {n}
4 Words: Others
Good to see you.Godt at se dig.
How are you doing?Hvordan har De det? [gl.]
How do you do? [greeting]Goddag!
How old are you?Hvor gammel er du?
Nice to meet you.Hyggeligt at møde dig.
Thank you very much!Mange tak!
The same to you.I lige måde.
What are you doing?Hvad laver du?
What are you doing?Hvad har du gang i? [uform.]
What do you think?Hvad synes du?
What do you think?Hvad tænker du?
Where were you born?Hvor er du født?
Would you like to ... ?Vil du gerne ... ?
5+ Words: Others
Could you speak more slowly please?Kan du venligst snakke langsommere?
Could you speak more slowly please?Kan du venligst tale langsommere?
How did you manage that?Hvordan bar du dig ad med det?
How do you say ... in Danish / English?Hvordan siger man ... dansk / engelsk?
I'll catch (up with) you later! [coll.]Vi ses (senere)!
It's got nothing to do with you!Det har intet med dig at gøre!
citat Unverified Life is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're gonna get. [Forrest Gump]Livet er som en æske chokolade - man ved aldrig hvad man får.
Thank you, the same to you!Tak i lige måde!
Unverified That's got nothing to do with you!Det kommer ikke dig / jer ved!
What are you afraid of?Hvad er du bange for?
What are you going to do?Hvad skal du (lave)?
What can I do for you?Hvad kan jeg gøre for dig?
ordsp. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him / it drink.Man kan tvinge hesten til truget, men man kan ikke tvinge den til at drikke.
ordsp. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.Man kan ikke lære en gammel hund nye kunster.
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